Small World -- Litterally
Here's a sweet sign we saw on the fence of a home facing Fort Lauderdale beach. We thought who ever lived here must be pretty cool as it's a proactive, friendly, upbeat request to would-be litterers. Turns out he IS cool... he's our friend Ken Fisher.
Ran into Ken yesterday at lunch. As we were catching up, I told him about the new Museum of Litter. I had no idea Ken felt strongly about litter until he mentioned the sign on his fence. "Wait a minute," I said, accurately describing the location, "I just took a picture of your sign on Saturday. We've been admiring the creator of this sign for a while. I can't believe it turns out to be someone we!" Small world, literally.
After lunch, Ken stopped by the shop to see the art we've been creating from litter. He loved it and bought four pieces!
Thanks Ken. Thanks for your own creative litter-prevention initiative, for "getting" what we're trying to do and for giving the museum your support.