Posted on 01/02/2010 in beach, birds, Environment, fish, Florida, Gulf, Litter, litter-free, litter-prevention, ocean, plastic, sea turtle, shore, surf, turtles | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: beach; sea, birds, dophins, fish, Gulf, litter, ocean, plastic, starbucks, starbucks litter, turtles
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A LITTER CHRISTMAS TREE reminds us we share One World - Elaine Devine
This may not be the most unique or unusual Christmas tree, but it's got to be one of the greenest. All decorations are 100% local litter temporarily up-cycled into ornaments.
Thanks to all the adventurous spirits who attended our Litter Tree-trimming party -- it was the most fun I've ever had trimming a tree -- litterally!
There was lots of joy and laughter as we marveled at the nonsensical things that end up littering the beach as well as conversations about whether these items were left behind, lost by boaters or dumped by cruise ships.
The creativity shown was amazing; from using a child's sun-hat as a tree topper to the intriguing vignettes made from various litter combinations.
Thanks for letting us share our Litter tree with you. We hope it brought some whimsy into your day. Please share with family & friends to spread the word about a litter-free environment.
Posted on 12/23/2009 in beach, bottle caps, butt, cigar, cigarette, cigarette butt, Environment, Florida, Litter, litter-free, litter-prevention, ocean, plastic, shore | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: alligator, Bizarre Christmas Deocration, Bizarre Christmas Ornaments, Bizarre Christmas Tree, boaters, Christmas Tree, cigar butts, cigarette butts, Corona, creativity, cruise ships, environment, Florida, green, litter, litter-free, littering, party, plastic, tree topper, tree trimming, tree-trimming, unique Christmas decorations, unique Christmas tree, unusual Christmas Decorations, unusual Christmas Tree, up-cycled, upcycled
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Cigarette Butt Litter Donation, Dec. 7, Fort Lauderdale, FL
The woman in the yellow convertible was spotted pitching a cigarette butt from her car while waiting in traffic for the bridge to go down. This occurred Monday, December 7 around 4:30 in the afternoon on Commercial Boulevard, just east of the Intracoastal Bridge.
Posted on 12/09/2009 in butt, cigarette, cigarette butt, Environment, Florida, Fort Lauderdale, Litter, litter-free, litter-prevention | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: butt, cigarette, Cigarette butt, Fort Lauderdale, Intracostal, litter, litter-free, litter-prevention, littering
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It's the Little Things that Count
You've heard that a thousand times. It's just as true with litter.
Here in Lauderdale by the Sea, FL people say, "We have a clean beach." And basically, we do. If you look up and down the beach usually you'll see just natural, pristine, beauty. However, if you look close, especially at the tidelines in the seaweed, you'll see a lot of small bits of (mostly) plastic...bottle caps, lighters, straws, fast-food drinking cups... the list goes on & on. These things are almost invisible when you glance down the beach. Yet, that is the very thing that makes them so deadly -- that they are so small. Small enough to look like food. Small enough for your fine feathered & finned friends to eat and feed their young and then die because they can't digest our detritus.
Until litter prevention is the norm, if you'd like to help, consider taking a plastic bag with you and spending a few minutes picking up litter you encounter in your daily travels.
Posted on 11/14/2009 in beach, bottle caps, Environment, Florida, Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, Litter, litter-free, litter-prevention, ocean, plastic, recycling, sea creature, sea turtle, seaweed, shore, surf, turtles | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: bottle caps, fast-food, fine-feathered friends, FL, Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, litter, litter-prevention, plastic, plastic bag, seaweed, tidelines
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Posted on 11/09/2009 in beach, bottle caps, Environment, Florida, Litter, litter-free, litter-prevention, ocean, recycling, shore, upcycled, upcycling | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: 3 Monkeys, A1A, art, beach, bottle caps, cigarette butts, Cocoa Beach, FL, gift shop, litter, litter-prevention, recycled, upcycled
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Posted on 07/28/2009 in Anglin's Pier, beach, Environment, Florida, Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, Litter | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
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Litter Donations -- July 26, 2009 -- Lauderdale by the Sea, FL
To see video:
This was the only litter this morning, just south of Anglin's Pier. I think it is a seat cushion for a yacht. Another beach goer and I tried to bring it out of the water but it was way too heavy even with the surf moving towards high tide. The rest of the shoreline was exceptionally clean -- nothing to pick up. So, I went swimming!
Posted on 07/26/2009 in Anglin's Pier, beach, Environment, Florida, Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, Litter, shore, surf | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
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Litter Donations - July 23 & 24, 2009 - Lauderdale by the Sea, FL
I picked up for about 1/2 hour along the shoreline around 8 am. I started at the pier and headed south, walking along shore up to the high tide mark, ending at Datura Avenue portal. I gathered one very full bag full of litter (second bag was keepers for future art). Sadly, I had collected from this very same walk from here to the pier, another full bag, just last night at sunset. I don't have a picture of it because it was too dark by the time I finished.
Posted on 07/24/2009 in Anglin's Pier, beach, Environment, Florida, Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, Litter, ocean | Permalink | Comments (31) | TrackBack (0)
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Litter Donations -- July 19, 2009 -- Lauderdale by the Sea, FL
This is the litter collected along the shoreline this morning. I started behind Windjammer at the Datura Portal, and headed north, ending just north of Anglin's Pier where the trash and recycling containers are located behind Aruba. The bag on the right is litter that was able to be recycled.
As I walked back south I picked up more litter. The stuff in the bag on the left I considered 'keepers.' I took it home, washed it, put it in the sun to dry and will upcycle it by making art from it.
Posted on 07/19/2009 in Anglin's Pier, Aruba, beach, Environment, Florida, Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, Litter, litter-free, litter-prevention, ocean, recycling, shore, upcycled | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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Small World -- Litterally
Here's a sweet sign we saw on the fence of a home facing Fort Lauderdale beach. We thought who ever lived here must be pretty cool as it's a proactive, friendly, upbeat request to would-be litterers. Turns out he IS cool... he's our friend Ken Fisher.
Ran into Ken yesterday at lunch. As we were catching up, I told him about the new Museum of Litter. I had no idea Ken felt strongly about litter until he mentioned the sign on his fence. "Wait a minute," I said, accurately describing the location, "I just took a picture of your sign on Saturday. We've been admiring the creator of this sign for a while. I can't believe it turns out to be someone we!" Small world, literally.
After lunch, Ken stopped by the shop to see the art we've been creating from litter. He loved it and bought four pieces!
Thanks Ken. Thanks for your own creative litter-prevention initiative, for "getting" what we're trying to do and for giving the museum your support.
Posted on 07/17/2009 in beach, Florida, Fort Lauderdale, Litter, litter-free, litter-prevention, ocean, upcycled, upcycling | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
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