Litter.....Who Cares?
We could eliminate litter within a year.....IF...... we really care.
It seems, as a society, we just don't care enough. We have littering laws, but they're not enforced. Why?
People toss, flick and leave litter behind constantly. I see it. You see it. You know officers see it. Yet no one gets ticketed. Why?
Most people don't notice or care about litter. It just doesn't register on their radar. If noticed at all, it's seen as something insignificant.....something someone else should take care of.....a visual annoyance at worst.
With all of the other problems on the planet, caring about litter, to some, seems petty. I've had people think I'm crazy, a Debbie Downer for noticing litter, distasteful for picking it up, and contemptuously suggest I get a life. I focus on litter because, of all the serious problems that need solving, it is something I can do with my own two hands, anytime, anywhere. Litter is so easily solvable and preventable .... IF..... we really care.
I've written before about 10 Reasons to Care About Litter.
IF....we really care, we need to let officials know we take this seriously and expect laws to be enforced. Nothing will change until we change... until we expect and insist it be different.
Do you care? Do you really care? Do you care enough to do something? Will you pick up? Speak up? What do you think needs to happen to make litter obsolete? What can you do? What will you do?