Size Does Matter. Small is Worst.
Styrofoam and plastic never decompose, it just breaks apart and becomes smaller and smaller pieces. The small bits are the worst. They can be almost invisible. In many litter cleanups they are unseen. They become out of site, out of mind. And, we all know:
"What is essential is invisible to the eye." Antoine de Saint Exupery in The Little Prince.
When picking up litter the smaller pieces are nearly invisible compared to fast food litter: wrappers, soda cans and plastic bottles. But these smallest bits are worse.
The lightweight styrofoam, plastic pieces, and cigarette butts (the filters are plastic), travel with wind and rain into storm drains. They pollute our water. They end up in lakes, streams, rivers and eventually the ocean. They become part of the swirling debris known as Pacific Garbage Patch or Atlantic Garbage Patch . Birds, fish and turtles mistake these colorful bits for food, eating them and feeding them to their young. They are small enough to be ingested, but cannot be digested, so these beautiful, innocent creatures die. Additionally, if you eat fish, YOU may be ingesting these micro plastics.
It is essential we prevent this plastic poison from entering our water and food chain.
Every litter bit hurts. Every little bit helps.
Posted by: qklhcqqnvs | 11/02/2013 at 08:06 AM
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コーチ コインケース
Posted by: コーチ コインケース | 11/02/2013 at 07:35 AM
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Posted by: Elliptical reviews | 11/29/2011 at 05:32 AM