With everyone feeling helpless regarding the Gulf Oil Spill, today is a
good day to ask, what CAN I do to make a difference?
I started the day with an hour coastal cleanup at my Florida beach.
I figure if I pick up litter, especially at the tide line, it will be
prevented from joining the Atlantic Garbage patch and I'll be able to
protect fish, turtles and birds that mistake it for food.
What can YOU do? What WILL you do?
If you live near the ocean can you pick up litter along the shore
to prevent it from going into the Atlantic or Pacific Garbage Patch? Can
you clean up a river or lake? Can you be more mindful, just for today,
of refusing single use fast food containers? Can you bring your own
coffee mug? Your own reusable water bottle?
Even if you live nowhere near the ocean, we can all volunteer, donate,
contribute in some way. Even a conversation. Bringing up World Ocean Day
may just be the thing to motivate someone else to take action.
This is not an Obama problem or a BP problem. It's not even a
national problem. It's an international, planetary problem. We are ALL
in this together.
As the oil spill crisis continues to cloud our Gulf waters, do you think
we can
find the silver lining? Can we use this tragedy to come together as a global eco-community to preserve and protect the environment and ocean we
all share?