We're having a Tree-Trimming party -- decorating with litter, of course!
A tree-trimming party is being held for the Museum of Litter at Frame 'n Art Gallery, Saturday, Dec. 19 from 2 to 5pm (See details below). The litter laden tree will be the frame shop's window display during the rest of the holiday season.
Everyone is encouraged to BYOL (Bring Your Own Litter) or choose from litter provided by the museum from their large inventory of (sanitized) litter collections. See a small sampling below:
This event is being held to keep the conversation about litter going until we are litter-free.
The Museum's litter-art will be displayed.
Refreshments will be served. It will be a fun family event. We'll celebrate the season, our love of a clean environment and a tree tradition with a twist.
TREE-TRIMMING: Where & When:
Frame 'n Art Gallery, 235 Commercial Boulevard, Suite 106, Lauderdale by the Sea, FL 33308, 954-267-9202, Saturday, December 19th 2-5pm.
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Kenneth Branagh in My Week with Marilyn A man who is the frustrated superior of the protagonist. Ned Beatty in Network (1976) Louis Gossett Jr. in An Officer and a Gentleman (1982) WON Danny Aiello in Do the Right Thing (1989) Alec Baldwin in The Cooler (2003) Albert Brooks in Drive A man who is a psychopathic cold-blooded killer. Richard Widmark in Kiss of Death (1947) Joe Pesci in Goodfellas (1990) WON Ralph Fiennes in Schindlers List (1993) William Hurt in A History of Violence (2005) Armie Hammer in J. Edgar A man who works closely -- and becomes romantically involved -- with the protagonist. Clifton Webb in Laura (1944) George Sanders in All About Eve (1950) WON Albert Brooks in Broadcast News (1987) Jake Gyllenhaal in Brokeback Mountain (2005) Jonah Hill in Moneyball A man who is a close co-worker and confidante of the protagonist. Robert Duvall in The Godfather (1972) Jason Robards in All the Presidents Men (1976) WON Albert Finney in Erin Brokovich (2000) Woody Harrelson in The Messenger (2009) Viggo Mortensen in A Dangerous Method A man who is a deep thinker and able to shape the behavior of others. Michael Chekhov in Spellbound (1945) Alec Guinness in Star Wars (1977) Judd Hirsch in Ordinary People (1980) Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting (1997) WON Nick Nolte in Warrior A man who is a patient and loyal coach to a much younger athlete. Burgess Meredith in Rocky (1976) Ian Holm in Chariots of Fire (1981) Pat Morita in The Karate Kid (1984) Morgan Freeman in Million Dollar Baby (2004) WON Christopher Plummer in Beginners A man who is a colorful character and the father (or father-figure) of the protagonist. Stanley Holloway in My Fair Lady (1964) Ben Johnson in The Last Picture Show (1971) WON Christopher Walken in Catch Me If You Can (2002) Hal Holbrook in Into the Wild (2007) BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS
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